香港意汇商业设计意汇(杭州)装饰设计有限公司企业介绍Hong Kong Innovation DesignCompany Profile创意决定品质Innovation Distinguishes Between A Leader And A Follower有关意汇Innovation Design香港意汇商业设计自2003年创立以来,旗下机构已遍布香港、上海、杭州,拥有一支经验丰富,饱含创意的国际化专业设计团队。超过150名员工正共同努力,将意汇打造成世界知名、无限创新的商业设计公司。意汇崇尚创新,通过多位具备二十年以上商业设计经验的境外设计人员,与国内顶尖的自身专业室内设计师一起,将最前沿的商业经营理念与当地的商业文化习俗和消费习惯相结合,从而得以不断创建出富有创新性、启发性、可行性,且具有高成本效益、高商业价值的优秀设计作品。香港意汇商业设计——我们懂商业设计,更懂商业经营。IDL Design has developed into a large, professional interior design house focusing on commercial design after nine years which was established in Hong Kong. The company currently has more than 150 staff members, many of which are veteran Hong Kong designers with over twenty years of experience in design and property related work. The company also employees Mainland Chinese designers to ensure that designs blend well with culture on the Mainland.IDL Innovation Design——We understand the commercial design, know better the business management.合作伙伴Partners我们服务过知名的九龙仓集团、嘉里集团,赢得了如杭州大厦集团、银泰百货、泰国正大集团、香港美美百货、台湾太平洋百货及宝龙集团等长期而稳固的客户。公司更与全球最大的商业地产服务公司世邦魏理仕(CBRE)、仲量联行(JLL)、戴德梁行(DTZ)、华夏柏欣(TCBL)等建立了长期战略合作伙伴关系。Our long-term clients are industry leaders such as the Wharf Group, the Kerry Group, the Hangzhou Tower Group, Intime Group, Chia Tai Group, Hong Kong Maison, and the Pacific SOGO Co.,Ltd. And Powerlong Group. IDL has strategic partnerships with the world’s largest real estate consultant companies such as CBRE, JLL, DTZ, and TCBL.设计理念Design我们打造的是一种“以市场需求为根本、以商业设计为特色、以项目经验为基础、以成功案例为资本、以策划定位为辅助、以品牌资源为补充的”服务范围涵盖全面、专业水平的商业室内设计机构!We are growing into an interior design institute for commercial real estate projects that is “driven by the market demands, characterized by commercial design, based on the project experience and successful cases, takes planning and positioning as auxiliary function, and is supplemented by brand resources” and has a full service scope and professional ability!里程碑Milestone意汇设计在中国大陆的业务遍及北京、上海、天津、重庆、浙江、江苏、广东、四川、内蒙古、山东、湖南、河南、贵州等13个省市。Innovation Design has operations in 13 provinces and cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Hunan, Henan, Guizhou in China.意汇设计现已在香港、上海、杭州三地设有分支机构,北京、厦门、深圳等地机构正在筹建中。Innovation Design now have already established three branches in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Hangzhou. The branches of Beijing, Xiamen, Shenzhen and other places will be established soon.意汇设计充分考虑企业的核心竞争力是设计,针对设计团队的建设发展,以高级设计总监领衔,内部创办了意汇商业设计学院。通过组织设计团队前往新加坡、香港、米兰等地亲身考察,并形成完整的商业分析报告的形式,在内部形成了良好的培训、分享、学习氛围,为设计师们提供了一个优秀的成长空间,也使意汇设计的商业基因得以传承发展,始终保持第一流的商业设计水平并且不断进步。By the full consideration to the company's core competence is the design, IDL founded an internal business school of design which led by senior design directors, for the construction and development of the designers team. By organizing the designers team to investigate Singapore, Hong Kong, Milan and other places, and form a complete business analysis report, IDL formed a good training, sharing, learning atmosphere internally to provide excellent growth space for the designers. This ensured the inheritance and development of IDL commercial design gene which would make IDL always maintain the first-class level of commercial design and continuous improvement.商业空间设计Commercial Space Design商业空间设计是空间设计与商业策划的综合体。精美的各色商品,舒适的购物环境,新颖的商业广告,精美的橱窗展示,华丽考究有个性的店面设计,会使消费者对商业空间留下较深刻的印象,使其能满足人们对一个现代商场购物乐趣的期望。商业空间设计的目标是营造精彩纷呈的购物环境,创造一个崭新的、焕发时尚魅力的消费空间,让购物这一现代城市生活中最主要的休闲方式得到时尚与品位的诠释。Commercial space design is the integration of space design and business planning. Exquisite products, comfortable environment, novel advertisement, wonderful display and gorgeous shop design will make consumers have deep impression on business space to satisfy the expectation of shopping enjoyment on modern mall for people. The purpose of commercial space design which is create the wonderful shopping environment and brand-new consumption space with fashion charm, as well as make shopping, the uppermost leisure way for modern city life, explained by fashion and taste.空间设计Space Design室内设计、建筑设计、景观设计一起组成了空间设计。现代新颖的空间室内设计注重新材料的使用、自然环境与人文环境的有机结合、对传统建筑、环艺概念的改变与创新、而商业空间设计更应兼顾顾客的功能和美学要求。Space design comprises of interior design, architectural design and landscape design. The modern and novel space interior design pays attention to the use of new material, the combination of natural environment and humane environment, change and innovation on traditional architecture and environmental art concept; while the commercial space design takes account of client’s functions and aesthetic requirements.室内设计Interior Design现代商业竞争已经摆脱了单纯靠价廉物美产品来吸引客户的局面,一个良好的购物环境、具有品牌影响号召力的产品、人性化的亲切服务,都可以从各个方面影响着商业项目的定位及效益。室内设计在现代商业项目中扮演一个关键的角色。设计的内容包括中庭、走廊、休闲区、销售区等。设计效果必须能够准确的表达整体的商业定位和消费向导,还应同时顾及今后的实际功能使用和商业主题文化的宣传与推广。一个良好的商业形象是品牌资源的驻扎基础,对开发商吸引知名品牌、提升物业形象品质及增值,也将有着进一步的推动作用。The modern business competition has already gotten rid of the situation of attracting clients only by commodities with low price and good quality. A good shopping environment, products with brand influence and appeal as well as humanist service can influence the orientation and effect of business project from each aspect.The Interior design plays the important role in modern business project. And the contents of design contains all the public space such as atrium, corridor, leisure area and sales area. The design effect shall exactly express the whole business orientation and the consumption guide, at the same time shall take the future practical function use and promotion of business theme culture into consideration.A good business image will be the foundation of brand resource, which can further promote the attraction of famous products, property image quality and appreciation for developers.外立面设计Fa?ade Design一个成功的商场建筑外立面设计可以直接反映商场的主题、定位和品质。它可以使人们从外观视觉开始即可享受到购物所带来的欢乐与激情,从而激发人们的购物意识与行为,达到吸引客户的目的。外立面设计应与商场景观、灯光效果的设计充分结合,打造完美吸引力的商业性地标色彩。A successful facade design of shopping mall can directly reflect its theme, orientation and quality. The design effect should make people enjoy the shopping happiness and enthusiasms starting from appearance vision, then stimulate the shopping consciousness and actions so as to attract consumers. The facade design shall completely combine with shopping mall landscape and light effect design to create the perfect business mark.标识系统Signage System标示系统是商业空间公共环境的指示,是整个商业空间的指引目录,是商业空间设计中的重要组成部分。主要包括室内室外的全局介绍、楼层业种简介、功能区导引、品牌文化的宣传等。一个成功的现代商业空间的标示系统包含了整体商业空间对消费者与经营者消费理念的提升,应在满足基本传统功能性的要求的前提下,使其自然融合于整体设计风格中。在表现形式上以简洁、明确、美观为主,颜色搭配上,主色调要鲜明,要与周边环境相协调,材质、字体、图案与整体环境统一,同时兼顾与照明设计、广告系统设计的结合。Signage system is the indication of public environment of business space,the guide directory of the whole business space and the important component of business design and planning. It mainly covers the overall introduction to interior and exterior environment, introduction to floor and owner, guide to functional area, promotion of brand culture.A successfully signage system of modern business space imply the promotion of consumption idea of consumers and operators through the whole business space shall be naturally integrated into the whole design style on the premise of satisfying the basic traditional functions.Signage system is based on the principle of simple, definite and beautiful. As far as color assortment is concerned, the predominant color shall be vivid and coordinated with surroundings. Its material, character, pattern shall be unified with the whole environment, and combined with lighting design and advertisement system.动线规划Circulation Planning商业空间是一个流动的环境,动线是其中不可欠缺的一个重要组成部分。它是空间与空间的连续及对人流的控制,是现代大型综合商业环境设计能否成功的前提。Contour line is the flowing environment while the pedestrian flow is an indispensable and important component among it. It is the continuation of space and space and control on crowd as well as the precondition whether the modern large-scale comprehensive business environmental design can be successful or not.